GRAND FORKS COUNTY COMMISSION MEETING December 21, 2021 – 4:00 P.M. The Board met pursuant to adjournment with Commissioners Pic, Falck, Rost, Engen and Knauf present. Chair Pic called for nominations for Chair and Vice Chair of the Grand Forks County Commission to serve from December 2021 thru November 2022. Moved by Knauf, seconded by Rost, to appoint Commissioner Falck to serve as Chair of the Grand Forks County Commission from December 2021 thru November 2022. Motion carried unanimously. Moved by Engen, seconded by Falck, to appoint Commissioner Rost to serve as Vice Chair of the Grand Forks County Commission from December 2021 thru November 2022. Motion carried unanimously. Moved by Rost, seconded by Engen, to amend the December 7, 2021 minutes as follows, move Manvel City from precinct 12 to precinct 5. Motion carried unanimously. Moved by Pic, seconded by Knauf, to approve the amended minutes of the December 7, 2021 Commission meeting. Motion carried unanimously. Moved by Pic, seconded by Rost, to approve the order of the agenda. Motion carried unanimously. Moved by Knauf, seconded by Engen, to approve the consent agenda. Items in the consent agenda included: bills as submitted by the County Auditor, Check # 39798 - First Collections Inc- $1764.99, 39799 - Florida State Disbursement Unit- $163.39, 39800 - Rodenburg Law Firm - Fargo- $156.53, 39801 - City of Northwood (Hwy) - $99.34, 39802 - City of Thompson (Hwy) - $63.91, 39803 - 1101 Dental Pllc - $476, 39804 - Active Parenting Publishers Inc - $189, 39805 - Agassiz Associates Pllc - $100, 39806 - Agrimax - $3000, 39807 - Alcohol Monitoring Systems, Inc. - $1740.7, 39808 - Altru Clinic-Main - $1499, 39809 - Altru Health System (978) - $8897.08, 39810 - Altru Health System 13780 - $54.5, 39811 - Aramark. - $642.4, 39812 - At & T Mobility - $95, 39813 - Auto Glass & Aftermarket - $65, 39814 - Baseview Petroleum Inc - $3270, 39815 - Bob Barker Company - $818.81, 39816 - Bonham Kevin - $31.78, 39817 - Border States Trophy & Awards - $228, 39818 - Boudreaux, Nicole J - $713.08, 39819 - Burggraf’s Ace Hardware - $31.52, 39820 - Business Essentials - 11Th Ave - $871.95, 39821 - Calderon, Josshua - $94, 39822 - Canon Financial Services - $39.29, 39823 - Cass County Sheriff - $36, 39824 - Cellmer Bushy, Christy L - $19.04, 39825 - City of Grand Forks-Police Dept - $131.76, 39826 - City of Grand Forks-Water - $6503.08, 39827 - Clough, Nathan - $1080, 39828 - Community Service Program - $2450, 39829 - Connect Interiors LLC - $4460.1, 39830 - Dalsted, Tracy L. - $267.12, 39831 - Daydreams Specialties - $258.75, 39832 - Deere Credit Inc - $2985.58, 39833 - Dell Marketing Lp - $3518.83, 39834 - Domres Excavating - $1680, 39835 - Duckworth Joan - $239.68, 39836 - Duncan, Lance - $105, 39837 - Dware Inc - $4350, 39838 - East Central Regional Water District - $55, 39839 - Engen David A - $286.72, 39840 - Enterprise Rent A Car - $123.65, 39841 - Everspring Inn - $518.4, 39842 - Fastenal - $126.44, 39843 - Fedex - $85.91, 39844 - Fleming Makayla - $44.38, 39845 - Ford Tom - $373.7, 39846 - Forum Communications - $10.53, 39847 - Forum Communications - Fargo - $550.48, 39848 - Friezen Holien, Amber L - $500, 39849 - Frontier Precision Inc - $1582, 39850 - Fulson Jason Or Barb - $210, 39851 - GF Cnty Treasurer - $2252.71, 39852 - GF Public Health Department - $47231.52, 39853 - Glenn’s Sinclair Service - $91.07, 39854 - Grand Forks Cemetery Assoc. - $1000, 39855 - Grand Forks Herald - $151, 39856 - Great Plains Directory Service - $238, 39857 - Gregory J Norman Funeral Home - $2300, 39858 - Gregs Lawn Care - $3584, 39859 - Guardian Fleet Safety LLC - $13688.45, 39860 - Hammond, Chelsea - $23.98, 39861 - Hampton Inn-Bismarck - $86.4, 39862 - Hendrickson Gene - $28.02, 39863 - Hendrickson Patricia - $56.05, 39864 - Hoeper, Scot N - $108.67, 39865 - Hogg-Korderas Kristin - $31.94, 39866 - Hugo’s #2 - $12.82, 39867 - Icon Architectural Group - 6000, 39868 - Information Technology Dept - $3291.43, 39869 - Integrity Homecare and Counseling - $355.79, 39870 - Jeffrey Donohoe Associates, LLC - $43000, 39871 – JLG Architects - $11000, 39872 - Johnson Controls Fire Protection Lp - $4092.09, 39873 - Keller Jalissa Spanier - $182.56, 39874 - Kelly Keshia - $50, 39875 - Klein Florinda - $25, 39876 - Knain Jolaine - $59.92, 39877 - Knutson Carrie - $78.54, 39878 - Krabbenhoft Auto Supply & Service - $24.56, 39879 - Lehrmann, Renae - $100, 39880 - Lessard, Jordan Elizabeth - $93.14, 39881 - Linde Gas & Equipment Inc - $638.98, 39882 - Lithia Payment Processing - $67.98, 39883 - Little Keepers. - $1751.27, 39884 - Loffler - $54.38, 39885 - Lund Jacki - $238.29, 39886 - M R Sign Company Inc. - $5686.63, 39887 - Make Great Light, LLC - $79.4, 39888 - Manvel Oil Coop - $5045.38, 39889 - Marco - Mn - $326.03, 39890 - Marco -Tx - $692.24, 39891 - Marco Technologies LLC - $323.8, 39892 - Marco Technologies LLC - Pa - $1048.3, 39893 - Martin, Joseph - $300, 39894 - Matthew Bender & Co Inc. - $171.81, 39895 - McKesson Medical Surgical - $2261.1, 39896 - Mclean Kelly - $230, 39897 - McMaster - Carr - $27.97, 39898 - Menards - $1307.75, 39899 - Midcontinent Communications - $689.18, 39900 - Morrow Law - $1583, 39901 - Mutch Oil Co - $3425.34, 39902 - Mutch Oil Company - $676.6, 39903 - National Guard Association of ND - $545.94, 39904 - ND Dept of Transportation - $53627.69, 39905 - ND DHS Finance Dept - $4927.27, 39906 - ND DHS Finance Dept - $41.25, 39907 - ND DHS Finance Dept - $41.25, 39908 - NDAAEA-Penny Nester - $75, 39909 - NDSU Ext Serv-Dept 3110 - $50, 39910 - NDSU Ext Serv-Grand Forks - $423.84, 39911 - Nelson Lalita - $25, 39912 - Networking Specialists - $24374, 39913 - Newborg Sarah - $840, 39914 - Nodak Electric Coop - $317.25, 39915 - Nodak Electric Coop - $67986.49, 39916 - Nord Ronald - $230, 39917 - Nygaard-Koplin Dawn - $150.46, 39918 - O’Reilly Auto Parts - $781.73, 39919 - O’Reilly Auto Parts-Washington St - $74.82, 39920 - Olson Sadie - $374.78, 39921 - Olson, Mikaela E - $125.44, 39922 - Olson, Sonja S - $29.12, 39923 - Polk County Sheriff - $150.32, 39924 - Premium Waters, Inc - $88.48, 39925 - Presort Plus - $12895.06, 39926 - Pro-West & Associates Inc - $147.96, 39927 - Rakoczy Brandon - $198, 39928 - RDO Truck Center - $415.36, 39929 - Reliance Inmate Systems - $3000, 39930 - Rothenberger Shane D - $101.5, 39931 - Schmitz Inc - $717.5, 39932 - Schumacher, Sydney M - $74.48, 39933 - Seeba Beth A - $44.8, 39934 - Sherwin Williams - $117.85, 39935 - Simm Ivana - $25, 39936 - Skip’s Petroleum - $1940.06, 39937 - Solheim, Paula - $11.76, 39938 - State Supply Co., Inc - $483.48, 39939 - Steele County Clerk of Court - $1000, 39940 - Sterling Properties Lllp - $500, 39941 - Streichers - $9723.55, 39942 - Suedel Amy - $280, 39943 - Suedel, Brandy Lynn - $185.92, 39944 - The Chamber of Commerce-GF - $12, 39945 - The Sidwell Company - $384, 39946 - Thomson West - $1568.56, 39947 - Tic Inc - $520, 39948 - Toshiba America Business Solutions - $67.01, 39949 - Traill County Sheriff - $250, 39950 - Twp of Americus Clk/Trea - $9508.95, 39951 - Twp of Grand Forks Clk/Treas - $108508.79, 39952 - UND Office of Safety - $3823.29, 39953 - USPS-POC - $600, 39954 - Valley Dairy - $31.3, 39955 - Vanguard Appraisals Inc - $7075, 39956 - Verizon Wireless - Newark Nj - $3042.18, 39957 - Vonasek, Adam J - $96.5, 39958 - Walbaum, Nathan - $78.15, 39959 - Wallwork Truck Center Grand Forks - $35.08, 39960 - Walsh County Clerk of Court - $200, 39961 - Waste Management of Wi-Mn - $1554.32, 39962 - Winay Associates LLC - $1092.25, and ACH payments to - Acme Electric/Tool Crib of Nor- $565.59, - All Embracing Home Care LLC- $216.69, - Amundson Funeral Home- $2300, - Balco Uniform Co- $29, - Anderson, Shellene- $100, - Border State Electric Supply- $114.48, - Auto Value of Larimore- $28.09, - Batteries Plus Bulbs- $146.25, - Century Electric Inc- $402, - Charm-Tex- $6095, - Comfort Keepers- $398.43, - Dennie’s Delivery Inc- $240, - Cintas- $230.72, - Custom Stripes Inc- $285, - Dakota Fire Protection- $509.49, - Dietzler Electric LLC- $15783.75, - Docu Shred Inc- $157.24, - Farmers Oil Co- $7700, - Gall An Aramark Company- $746.62, - Gowan Construction- $1904.76, - Global Safety Network- $87.45, - Home Care Companions- $209.7, - Home of Economy- $386.46, - Greg’s Laundry Equip Service- $145, - Interstate Power Systems Inc- $5024.97, - Interstate Towing & Recovery- $1801.91, - Keith’s Security World- $106, - Northdale Oil- $23008.99, - Northwest Tire Inc- $1607.21, - Johnson Controls - $7768.2, - Nelson Auto Center Inc- $33305.4, - Noss Sewing & Alterations- $105, - Opp Construction- $90, - Peru- $4117.2, - Phoenix Supply- $255.91, - RDO Trust Account #80-5800- $796.4, - Royal Tire Inc- $615.68, - Rydell Chevrolet- $350.03, - Soeby Molly- $35.84, - Sterling Carpet One Floor&Home- $1500, - Stones Mobile Radio Inc- $15, - Summit Food Services LLC- $15332.04, - Tri-County Water District- $54, - Twp of Blooming Clerk- $275.38, - Valley Truck- $58.43, - VM Findley Consulting LLC- $8000, - Xcel Energy - Mpls- $31502.36, - Veoci Inc- $26000, - Stericycle Inc- $123.09, and purchasing card transactions in the amount of $37,336.53; employee status changes for Bridgie Hansen, Evan Most, Nicholas T. Burgess, Ronald E. Nord, Daryl Lund, Larry Sayre, Todd Amundson, Luke Myrum, Kyle Moen, Kyle Deziel, Bethany R. Williams, Charlie Hardy, Amanda Lonier, Gannon Engkvist, Taylor Roddie, Christine Fuglesten, Megan Wilmer, Dana Ponce, Sandra Novak, Nicole Rust, Scot Hoeper and Sasia Heitkamp; overtime, Beer and Liquor License for the Grand Forks Country Club, and November financial report. Motion carried unanimously. Michael Dulitz, Public Health COVID-19 Data/Analytics Leader, gave a COVID-19 update. Moved by Pic, seconded by Rost, to appoint Janell Regimbal and Therese Hugg to three-year terms and appoint Jill Cormier to Wayne Trottier unexpired term to the Human Service Zone Board, beginning January 1, 2022. Motion carried unanimously. Moved by Knauf, seconded by Engen, to appoint Mary Giltner to a four-year term to the Grand Forks County Planning and Zoning Board, beginning January 1, 2022. Motion carried unanimously. Moved by Rost, seconded by Pic, to appoint Kenneth Inman to a one-year term to the Public Safety Answering Point Board, beginning January 1, 2022. Motion carried unanimously. Kenneth Farrell, GF Water Board, said he has been on the board for 16 years and it is time for him to retire. He thanked the Commission for their support. Chairman Falck thanked Mr. Farrell for his years of service. Moved by Pic, seconded by Rost, to appoint Robert Dress and Timothy Farrell for three-year terms to the Grand Forks Water Board, beginning January 1, 2022. Motion carried unanimously. Moved by Engen, seconded by Pic, to appoint Samuel Landman to a four-year term to the Grand Forks County Weed Board, beginning January 1, 2022. Motion carried unanimously. Greg McMahon, GF County Weed Board Vice Chairman, addressed the board. Moved by Pic, seconded by Knauf, to approve cost-of-living and market increases for the Weed Control Officer and Secretary to coincide with increases approved by the County Commission for County staff from year 2022 and forward. Motion carried unanimously. Michele Thiel, Human Resources Director, addressed the board. Moved by Pic, to seconded by Rost, to allow Human Resources to move forward recruiting for a Juvenile Detention Administrator. Motion carried unanimously. The Commission agreed that Human Resources should coordinate with the Administrative Services Committee regarding the details surrounding the recruitment process. Moved by Pic, seconded by Knauf, to appoint Lieutenant Larry Ahles as the Interim Juvenile Detention Administrator, effective January 1, 2022, until a Juvenile Detention Administrator is hired. Motion carried unanimously. Moved by Pic, seconded by Engen, to hire Ms. Hansen on a temporary basis for consulting, transition, and training for up to 720 hours in 2022. Motion carried unanimously. Moved by Rost, seconded by Engen, to amend the 2022 Human Resources Professional Services budget by $25,000 for the compensation study. Motion carried unanimously. Sheriff Schneider addressed the board. Moved by Knauf, seconded by Rost, to approve the Special Operations Group Joint Powers Agreement with the Chair’s signature. Motion carried unanimously. Moved by Pic, seconded by Knauf, to approve the Law Enforcement Services Contract with Grand Sky Management Company, LLC with the signatures of the Chair, State’s Attorney and Auditor. Motion carried unanimously. Moved by Engen, seconded by Pic, to approve the purchase of a Sheriff’s Department fleet vehicle at a cost of $37,430.98 and to amend line item 1000.4211.0000.0661.0000 by $34,407 which has been received in the sale of assets revenue line item, along with the remaining balance in the vehicle line item will cover the cost. Motion carried unanimously. Bill Gerszewski, Buildings and Grounds Manager, addressed the board. Moved by Engen, seconded by Rost, to accept the quote from Bergstrom Electric, Inc. for $11,770 to install an Assess Control System in the County Office Building and parking ramp. Motion carried unanimously. Moved by Pic, seconded by Knauf, to proceed with the Access Control System project in the County Office Building and parking ramp, accepting the quotes from Johnson Controls for $38,025.75, Keith’s Security World for $4,556 and Bergstrom Electric, Inc. for $11,770, with the Chair’s signatures. Motion carried unanimously. Nick West, County Engineer, addressed the board. Moved by Rost, seconded by Pic, to approve the Chair’s signature on the Building Resilient Infrastructure and Communities (BRIC) Program local match letter. Motion carried unanimously. Moved by Knauf, seconded by Rost, to approve the Resolution on the SC-CVD-1800(21) project accepting the low bid from Knife River Materials in the amount of $2,509,978.20, with the Chair’s signature. Moved by Knauf, seconded by Pic, to sponsor the Grand Forks County Water Board Transportation Alternatives grant application for an asphalt overlay on the Larimore Shared-Use Path, with GF County Water Board responsible for all known requirements including but not limited to planning, permitting, coordinating, bidding, construction activities and cost-sharing matching. Motion carried unanimously. Moved by Pic, seconded by Engen, to allow the County Engineer to act as the liaison between the NDDOT and GF County Water Board and has permission to sign the grant application on behalf of the County. Motion carried unanimously. Moved by Knauf, seconded by Pic, to accept the lowest bid from Industrial Builders, Inc as the contractor on bridge #18-115-34.1 with the Chair’s signature on the Contractors Agreement and the Notice to Award. Motion carried unanimously. Moved by Pic, seconded by Rost, to appoint the following members to the Home Rule Charter Committee: Kathryn Kester, Brandon Baumbach, Dave Korsmo, Barry Wilfart, Bob Drees, Kyle Kvamme, Chairman Tom Falck, and Vice Chairman Bob Rost. Motion carried unanimously. Debbie Nelson, Finance and Tax Director, addressed the board. Moved by Pic, seconded by Engen, to authorize Chairman Falck or Vice Chair Bob Rost to approve any bills that come in before the end of the year. Motion carried unanimously. Moved by Engen, seconded by Rost, to approve the following 2021 budget amendments: 2165 FEMA-2019 Fall Flooding - $4,100. 2166 FEMA-2020 Spring Flooding - $587,100, 2168 FEMA-2020 Summer Flooding - $552,700, 2310 Historical Society - $2,700, 2350 Senior Citizens - $19,300, 2561 COVID Fund - $390,000, 2562 American Rescue Plan - $320,000, 2950 Economic Development - $14,500, 5000 Special Assessment Fund - $5,900, 8001 State Tax - $300, 8005 Garrison Diversion - $9,600, 8006 Water Resource Board - $36,600, 8007 County Library - $74,000, 8008 RR Joint Management - $24,600, 8010 Ambulance $108,600, 8019 Regional Airport Authority - $15,700, 8063 GFC Soil Conservation District - $11,400, 8093 SIRN 20/20 Fund $125,500 and 8094 Contract Policing-Special Deposit - $28,000. All funds had offsetting non-budgeted revenues. Motion carried unanimously. Tom Ford, Director of Administration, addressed the board. David Bostwick, HDR, addressed the board. Tom Wesley, ICON Architectural Group, addressed the board. The board agreed the Juvenile Detention Center should be the priority in the Correction Center/Juvenile Detention Expansion Project. Moved by Pic, seconded by Engen to approve the Grand Forks Enhanced Use Lease Development Grant #21-23.036 for $7,000,000 and to allow the remaining balance from the 2019 grant #19-21.006 of $1,495,742.73 to be carried over until June 30, 2023. Motion carried unanimously. Moved by Pic, seconded by Rost, to set the 2022 County Commission Meeting dates as the first and third Tuesday of each month. Motion carried unanimously. Motion by Rost, seconded by Pic, to adjourn. Motion carried unanimously. The meeting adjourned at 5:46pm. The next meeting will be held on January 4, 2022 at 4:00pm. _________________________________ Thomas H. Falck, Chairman Grand Forks County Commission ______________________________ Debbie Nelson, County Auditor (Jan. 12, 2022) 21802