| Sept. 13: City Council to Determine Fate of | 09-09-2022

2022-09-10 06:30:56 By : Ms. Rain Lu

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The Santa Clarita City Council will meet in open session Tuesday, Sept. 13 at 6 p.m. to discuss a grant request to save, a comprehensive digital history archive and repository for the Santa Clarita Valley. is a comprehensive digital history archive and repository for the Santa Clarita Valley, owned and operated by SCVTV, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit. began in 1996 with a few dozen historic photographs and has grown in the last 26 years to house close to 100,000 archival items in various digital formats. It serves as a repository for historic artifacts, books, film, photography, documents, and oral histories of significance to the Santa Clarita Valley, documenting events such as the St. Francis Dam Disaster, the earliest gold discovery and oil production in California, and the beginning of the film industry. Groups that frequently visit the website range from the general public to academic researchers, filmmakers, educators, and public agencies. According to SCVTV, which manages, the site logged over 1.7 million views from January 2021 to October 2021.

SCVTV is seeking a financial contribution from the City in the amount of $300,000 in order to help fund the project and leverage additional grant funds. SCVTV is currently applying for an Infrastructure and Capacity Building Challenge Grant through the National Endowment of the Humanities, which is due September 27, 2022, and requires matching funds. SCVTV has additionally shared with the City its desired to transfer ownership of to the Santa Clarita Public Library once the upgrades are complete.

Among other business items placed before the council will include authorization to complete the expansion of the southwestern portion of Central Park. The project will include the construction of four full-sized multipurpose fields by adding two new fields and converting an open turf area into two more full-sized multipurpose fields.

The meeting will be held in the City Council Chambers,

Members of the public are afforded the opportunity to address the City Council. You may address the Council once per meeting during Public Participation on any matter within the Council’s jurisdiction that is not listed on the agenda. Public Participation speaker’s cards must be submitted to the City Clerk BEFORE this portion of the meeting begins.

To address the Council regarding an item on the agenda, please fill out a speaker’s card and submit it to the City Clerk BEFORE the Mayor announces the item.

Each person addressing the Council is given three minutes to speak (with double the time allotted to non-English speakers using a translator) indicated by a colored light system on the Council dais. If you wish to provide information to the Council, please present the City Clerk with 10 copies. Otherwise, your materials will simply be added to the official record. Please note use of City Council Chamber technology equipment to present electronic material during meetings is not allowed.

Prior to the regular council meeting a special meeting will be held at 5 p.m. The council will meet in closed session to discuss existing and anticipated litigation.

The agendas for both meetings are available below:

National Voter Registration Day Proclamation is a local history digital archive, owned and operated by SCVTV, that is in need of repair due to outdated web design technology.

Check Register No. 16 for the Period 07/01/22 through 07/14/22 and 07/21/22. Electronic Funds Transfers for the Period 07/04/22 through 07/15/22. Check Register No. 17 for the Period 07/15/22 through 07/28/22 and 08/04/22. Electronic Funds Transfers for the Period 07/18/22 through 07/29/22.

Award a contract to Java Connections, LLC, for the purchase of laptop kiosks for the Santa Clarita Public Library, inclusive of five years of support and maintenance.

Authorize a one-time appropriation of $40,000 from Drainage Benefit Assessment Areas reserves for professional services for drainage repairs in DBAA 3.

Authorize expenditure authority increases to various landscape service contracts in order to complete as-needed repairs or one-time enhancement work in an efficient and timely manner; and approve the appropriation of ongoing funds to support operations at the Vista Canyon Transit Center.

This item will authorize entering into a tripartite tender agreement to complete the expansion of the southwestern portion of Central Park. The project will construct four full-sized multipurpose fields by adding two new fields and converting an open turf area into two more full-sized multipurpose fields. It will also include the installation of sport field lighting, landscaping and irrigation, various site furnishings, a restroom building, upgrades to the adjacent dog park, exercise stairs, and additional parking.

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