Wautoma Common Council considers two duplexes in Lake Ridge Subdivision | Waushara Argus

2022-09-17 05:42:18 By : Mr. Adam Lin

Building contractor, Rick Stafford, addressed the council concerning his proposal to build two duplexes in the Lake Ridge Subdivision owned by the city at the regular meeting of the Wautoma Common Council on Sept. 12th at City Hall.  The lots Stafford would like to build on are on N. Wilcox Court.

Stafford told the council that the duplexes would be rentals are geared to people 50 and older and would have O entry, meaning no step into house, porch, or garage.  There would be a 2 car attached garage and units would be built on a concrete slab, the exterior would have shake siding on the gables, the outside would be accented with vinyl stone and paved driveways.  The proposed rent is approximately $1500 per month.

After discussion and questions, the council will send the request to the Planning Commission for their consideration for approval of the two lots for building the duplexes.  There are covenants for the subdivision and they would have to be amended for the N. Wilcox Court only.  Covenants for the balance of the subdivision will remain in effect for the lots and homes in the Lake Ridge Subdivision.

Paul Nyhuis, president of the Rod & Gun Club on Bobby DeLaura Way, Wautoma, asked the council to consider transferring a 4 acre parcel of land adjacent to the Rod and Gun Club for further expansion and building.  Tommy Bohler, City Administrator, said the four acres are in the southwest corner of the city and did not see a problem with transferring them to the club with the stipulation that if the club ever disbanned the property would go back to the city.  The council voted to transfer the parcel with all costs incurred for the deed transfer and recording to be paid by the Wautoma Rod and Gun Club.

The council also approved the proposal with MSA for the Waupaca Street project for $188,900 to MSA for completing topographic survey, design engineering for the street, stormwater, and watermain, and complete the project bidding process for this estimated $2,000,000 construction project.  The City was awarded $1,000,000 funding towards this project.  Construction is scheduled for 2023.

Mayor John Nixon reported to the council that Wautoma Rotary would like to place flags and poles on Wautoma’s Main Street from Memorial Day through Labor Day starting in 2023.  He also said meetings will be held on the Open Air Market before the season begins in 2023 and he is working with the Chamber to see if the Christmas Parade could be moved to Saturday night, Nov. 26th the same day as the Breakfast with Santa and the Cookie Walk.

Administrator Bohler said he attended his first joint courthouse committee meeting, continues with the budget preparation, is working with staff on website upgrade, and has updated all insurances.

Wautoma Police Chief Paul Mott, reported that the department participated in Waushara S.H.I.N.E.S. Dunk Tank at the Waushara County Fair, the high school shooter drill, the high school scavenger hunt, the school district open house, and Augustfest.  He added that the deer hunting permits have been issued and he did requested site inspections at LaClinica and Riverview.

Chief Mott said an officer responded to an overdose and the officer is responsible for saving a life. He will be honored for his lifesaving measures at a later date.

On Sept. 21st the department will be part-icipating in Cops at Culver’s in Wautoma where they will be taking orders and accepting tips for Lights of Christmas for the department to purchase gift cards to be given out to the less fortunate at Christmas.  He also said that on Oct. 8th for Faith and Blue weekend the department will be working with congregations to help clean up the community.

The next regular meeting of the Wautoma Common Council will be held on Monday, Oct. 10 at 7:30 p.m. at City Hall where the topic of discussion will be the 2023 proposed budget.       

W7781 State Rd. 21 & 73 Wautoma, WI 54982

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