The Wisconsin Department of Transportation (WisDOT) North Central Region provides interstate and state highway construction updates for the following counties in north central Wisconsin: Adams, Green Lake, Florence, Forest, Iron, Langlade, Lincoln, Marathon, Marquette, Menominee, Oneida, Portage, Price, Shawano, Vilas, Waupaca, Waushara and Wood counties.
Construction schedules may fluctuate pending weather conditions and crew availability.
This update can be found at:
Location: Columbia County line to the Marquette County line
Schedule: April 13 to July 8
Project ID: 6566-00-72
Project description: Crews will resurface the highway and replace culverts east of the 6th Lane and County B intersection, west of 2nd Lane and between 2nd Lane and County XX. The guardrail at Mason Lake will be replaced, the roadway slopes regraded, a new asphalt overlay placed on the bridge over Neenah Creek, and centerline rumble strips installed through the project limits. The driveway to Cove Bar and Grill will be relocated slightly closer to 1st Drive.
Anticipated work scheduled: Crews will be completing finishing work.
Traffic impacts: Motorists can expect single-lane closures and flagging operations on WIS 23.
Location: WIS 13 and WIS 21 Intersection
Schedule: June 6 to Aug. 15
Project ID: 6140-01-71
Project description: The project will reconstruct the existing intersection with new hot-mix asphalt. The reconstructed intersection will remain a four-way stop. Traffic islands and curbs will be replaced as part of the project.
Location: Cavour – Brule River, Popple River and Nicolet State Trail/Long Lake outlet bridges
Schedule: June 13 to late August
Project ID: 9110-09-60
Project Description: Crews will make concrete deck repairs on the WIS 139 Popple River Bridge, replace the concrete deck on the WIS 139 bridge over the Nicolet State Trail and replace an end wall on the Long Lake outlet creek culvert.
Nicolet State Trail/Long Lake outlet bridge:
Location: Oneida County line to Boulevard Avenue in Crandon, Wolf River Bridge (near Cole Road) and Peshtigo River Bridge (near the intersection of US 8 and WIS 139)
Schedule: May 10 to Sept. 23
Project ID: 1590-18-61/62
Project Description: Crews will resurface US 8 from the Oneida County line to Boulevard Avenue in Crandon and make concrete deck repairs on the Wolf and Peshtigo River bridges.
Anticipated work scheduled: Crews will begin pouring the concrete at the Wolf River Bridge. Crews also will be paving the approaches at the Peshtigo River Bridge and begin earthwork for the guardrail on the paving project.
Traffic impacts: Motorists can expect lane closures controlled by temporary signals.
Location: County C to Iron Street
Schedule: June 10 to Sept. 12
Project ID: 1175-19-62
Project description: Crews will resurface US 51 and replace culvert pipes from County C to Iron Street in Hurley.
Anticipated work scheduled: Crews will remove culvert pipes, replace culverts and place temporary asphalt patches throughout the project limits. Restoration work will also begin.
Traffic impacts: Motorists can expect lane closures controlled by flagging.
Location: County B north of Antigo to County J East
Schedule: May 31 to July 16
Project ID: 1602-10-72
Project description: Crews will resurface the highway and replace culvertsbetween County B and County J East.
Anticipated work scheduled: Crews will place centerline rumble strips, place gravel on the shoulders and apply permanent pavement markings.
Traffic impacts: Motorists can expect a single lane controlled by flagging.
Location: Elton Creek and Deer Creek east of Antigo
Schedule: May 16 to Aug. 31
Project ID: 9140-12-61
Project description: Crews will replace the existing culvert at Elton Creek with a reinforced concrete slab bridge and install a 48-by-76-inch reinforced concrete culvert at Deer Creek. In addition, guardrail upgrades and roadway work will be included.
Anticipated work scheduled: Crews will work on the bridge railings, pave the asphalt lanes and place guardrail.
Traffic impacts: Motorists can expect lane closures controlled by temporary signals.
Location: Marathon County line to Lincoln County K (Exit 211) in Merrill
Schedule: Completion by Nov. 15
Project ID: 1176-22-72/73
Project description: Crews will remove the existing asphalt surface and crushed concrete and then replace them with base materials and asphalt pavement; complete minor grading at median crossovers for traffic control; repave maintenance crossovers and interchange ramps; and add additional guardrail on northbound US 51 at WIS 64.
Anticipated work scheduled: Crews will be adjusting and repairing guardrail along the southbound US 51 lanes.
Traffic impacts: Motorists can expect one lane of southbound US 51 to be closed from County K to the Wisconsin River from 6 a.m. Wednesday, July 6 to 6 p.m. Saturday, July 9. The outside shoulder on northbound US 51 from the Marathon County Line to County K will also be closed.
Location: Bridge over Little Pine Creek between Hillcrest and Dotter roads
Schedule: June 15 to Aug. 17
Project ID: 9305-09-73
Project description: Crews will replace the existing structure with a bridge that will provide proper clear width and upgrade the existing guardrail to meet current standards.
Anticipated work scheduled: Crews will begin forming the floor of the box culvert and placing reinforcements. Crews will then begin pouring concrete.
Traffic impacts: WIS 107 is closed to through traffic at Little Pine Creek, and traffic is being detoured via County J, US 51 and County S.
Location: Rangeline Road to Water Street, Mosinee
Schedule: May 2 to September
Project ID: 6370-01-73/75/76
Project description: Crews will replace the roadway pavement between Rangeline Road and Novak Street and resurface the pavement between Novak and Water streets.
Anticipated work scheduled: Crews will continue to place sidewalks and driveways and work on restoration. Crews will begin work on WIS 153 from 4th Street to Water Street, traffic signals will be installed, and curb and gutter removed.
Traffic impacts: Motorists can expect a westbound lane closure from Water Street to 4th Street. Traffic will be shifted to the eastbound lane and shoulder. A 10-foot width restriction will be in place from Tuesday to Monday, July 5 to July 11.WIS 153 will be closed to through traffic and detoured using Rangeline Road and Main Street/County B until September.
Location: Columbia County line to Waushara County line
Schedule: June 20, 2022 to June 7, 2023
Project ID: 1166-04-82
Project description: Crews will remove the existing pavement on I-39 and its interchange ramps, place new asphalt and replace culverts, inlets and guardrail.
Anticipated work scheduled: Crews will be grading and placing gravel for traffic crossover lanes in the median between the County CX and Union Pacific railroad overpasses.
Traffic impacts: Motorists can expect lane closures, including the following, from about the County CX overpass to the County D half interchange for crossover construction:
Location: Monico to Oneida County line
Schedule: June 13 to early August
Project ID: 1590-12-72
Project description: Crews will remove a portion of existing roadway pavement, place new asphalt pavement, replace culvert end sections and replace deteriorated areas of curb and gutter.
Anticipated work scheduled: Crews will be milling, paving and placing temporary pavement markings.
Traffic impacts: Motorists can expect flagging operations throughout the length of the project.
Highway: WIS 45 (NEW)
Location: WIS 32 to Vilas County Line
Project ID: 1600-28-61
Project description: Crews will resurface the highway, install centerline rumble strips, repair and replace existing storm sewer at spot locations, replace culvert pipes, replace curb and gutter, and upgrade pedestrian curb ramps.
Traffic impacts: Motorists will encounter a milled roadway and lane closures controlled by flagging. One 16-foot travel lane will be maintained. A posted 9-foot width restriction will be in affect during culvert pipe replacement and storm sewer work.
Highway: I-39/US 10/WIS 66
Location: US 10 bridge over I-39, southbound I-39 ramp to Wildwood Drive, Country Club Drive intersection, Stevens Point
Schedule: April 4, 2022 to May 26, 2023
Project IDs: 1166-06-75 / 6290-09-70 / 6290-09-71
Project description: Crews will replace the bridge deck on the US 10/WIS 66 bridge over I-39. Bridge work also includes relocating the sidewalk to the median area and adding concrete barrier walls to protect the median walkway area.
o Crews will pave westbound US 10, begin work on the east and west bases of the US 10 bridge over I-39 and continue forming the US 10 bridge deck.
o Crews will continue reconstruction work on the right-turn lane from West US 10; install traffic signals and light pole bases; and place concrete curb and gutter and concrete pavement.
The following are closed to late October:
Location: Bridges over the railroad tracks and County B in Plover
Schedule: March 14 to Nov. 22
Project ID: 1166-12-89
Project description: Crews will replacethe decks for the bridges at the I-39/Portage County B interchange in Plover and resurface the I-39 bridges over the railroad tracks just north of the interchange. The project also includes replacing guardrail, repairing concrete pavement joints, replacing vehicle detection loops for traffic signals, repairing existing culverts and enhancing the existing over-height detection system for vehicles on the I-39 ramps or County B planning to pass under I-39.
Anticipated work scheduled: Excavation crews will be working on I-39. In addition, crews will be working on storm sewer, preparing the crossover for pavement, working on signals on County B and widening the shoulders under the I-39 bridges.
Highway: Business 51 (Post Road)
Location: Springville Drive to Tommy’s Turnpike
Schedule: April 11 to November
Project ID: 6414-00-79
Project description: Crews will reconstruct the roadway with new concrete pavement, new storm sewer, sanitary sewer and water mains and make the following surface improvements: turn lanes, raised medians, urban shoulders, sidewalk and streetlights.
Anticipated work scheduled: Crews will complete the trimming operations and layout work in preparation for concrete pavement for the new southbound lanes from Springville Drive to Hickory Drive. Crews will also began placing concrete pavement for the new southbound lanes and will adjust and install the storm sewer and sanitary castings.
Highway: I-39 (New)
Location: County X to Marathon County line
Schedule: July 5 to mid-August
Project ID: 1166-00-81
Project description: Crews will remove a portion of the existing pavement and will be placing new asphalt pavement on I-39 and the on- and off-ramps at the County DB interchange. Crews will also be cleaning culvert pipes and repairing pipe separation; and replacing guardrail.
Anticipated work scheduled: Crews will be cutting the asphalt shoulder to prepare for drains. Crews will be installing erosion control and will be performing restoration work.
Traffic impacts: Motorists will encounter a single lane closure on northbound I-39 from 6 a.m. Tuesday, July 5 to noon Friday, July 8.
Highway: WIS 13 and US 8
Location: WIS 13 at the North Fork Flambeau River Bridge, Park Falls; South Fork Flambeau River Bridge, Fifield; and Elk River Bridge, Phillips; and US 8, railroad bridge, town of Prentice
Schedule: May 12, 2022 to June 16, 2023
Project ID: 1610-44-62/63/64
Project description: Crews will resurface the bridges and replace curb, gutter and sidewalk.
Location: US 8 to Woods Creek Road
Schedule: June 20 to Aug. 8
Project ID: 1610-44-73
Project description: Crews will remove a portion of the existing pavement, place new asphalt pavement, replace two culverts, curb and gutter, sidewalk and pedestrian ramps.
Anticipated work scheduled: Crews will be installing curb ramps at Spruce Street, Balsam Street, Pine Street and WIS 70. Crews will also be landscaping, installing the culvert pipe south of Flambeau River Bridge, and removing curb and sidewalk from the east side of WIS 13 in Fifield.
Traffic impacts: Motorists can expect a single lane. Traffic will be shifted east from Spruce Street to WIS 70 with a maximum width of 12 feet in both directions. Mid-week, traffic will shift west from Spruce Street to WIS 70 with a maximum width of 12 feet in both directions.
Highway: WIS 13 (New)
Location: 5th Street North to Ashland County line
Schedule: July 8 to July 29
Project ID: 1610-39-60
Project description: Crews will remove a portion of the existing asphalt pavement and place new asphalt and pavement markings.
Anticipated work scheduled: Crews will be installing traffic control and will be staking for construction.
Location: Marathon County line to US 45
Schedule: June 6 to late July
Project ID: 6108-02-60
Project description: Crews will be removing a portion of the asphalt pavement, placing new asphalt pavement, adding centerline rumble strips, replacing nine culverts, replacing guardrail at the South Fork Embarrass River Bridge, placing epoxy pavement marking and removing an old bridge over Tiger Creek.
Anticipated work scheduled: Crews will continue paving the road, start the shoulders, install guardrail at the river and place pavement markings.
Traffic impacts for next week:
Location: Herman Creek Bridge
Schedule: June 16 to late August
Project ID: 6580-10-71
Project description: Crews will remove the existing bridge and replace it with a box culvert. Additional work will include reconstructing about 300 feet of road above the culvert, widening shoulders and extending shoulder slopes.
Anticipated work scheduled: Crews will start forming the floor and aprons for the box culvert.
Traffic impacts for next week: WIS 156 is closed to through traffic for the duration of the project. The detour is WIS 47 between Briarton and Bonduel to WIS 29 between Bonduel and Angelica to WIS 55 between Angelica and Rose Lawn.
Location: County H to US 45, Eagle River
Schedule: May 2 to July 8
Project ID: 9080-14-72
Project description: Crews will remove and replace asphalt, concrete curb and gutter, concrete sidewalk and pavement markings.
Anticipated work scheduled: Crews will be finalizing items and performing cleanup.
Traffic impacts for next week: WIS 70 will remain open to one lane of traffic in each direction. Motorists can expect to encounter lane closures, flagging operations and daytime temporary lane shifts.
Location: Trout River, town of Arbor Vitae
Schedule: March 28 to July 25
Project ID: 1170-20-61
Project description: Crews will remove and replace the Trout River culvert.
Anticipated work scheduled: Crews will continue working on the deck.
Traffic impacts: US 51 is open, but motorists will encounter temporary signals and staged construction. A 12-foot width restriction is in place with posted advanced warnings at the intersection of US 51 and WIS 47 in Minocqua and US 51 and WIS 47 in Manitowish.
Trout River access: A temporary, signed portage route is in place to maintain access to the Trout River.
Location: Oneida County line and WIS 70
Schedule: May 31 to July 29
Project ID: 1600-28-70
Project description: Crews will replace culvert pipes and resurface the highway.
Anticipated work scheduled: Crews will be paving the roadway, installing shoulder gravel and placing temporary pavement markings.
Traffic impacts: Motorists can expect lane closures controlled by flagging operations. One 16-foot travel lane will be always maintained. All intersecting roads will remain open to traffic.
Location: 3rd Lane to Madison Street, Coloma
Schedule: May 2 to July 15
Project ID: 6170-00-73
Project description: Crews will remove a portion of the concrete pavement, repair concrete pavement, place new asphalt pavement, complete intersection work at I-39 northbound off-ramp at County CH and Madison Street and mark the pavement.
Anticipated work scheduled: Crews will be paving and placing pavement markings from Burr Oak Lane to Madison Street on WIS 21.
Traffic impacts: Motorists can expect flagging operations.
Location: Cottonville Avenue to County O between Coloma and Plainfield
Schedule: April 18 to Oct. 31
Project ID: 1166-07-79
Project description: Crews will remove existing asphalt pavement and place new asphalt pavement. Additional work will include updating the guardrail, placing shoulder gravel, adding shoulder rumble strips and placing new pavement marking.
Anticipated work scheduled: Crews will be milling and paving the passing lane and inside shoulder from Buttercup Avenue to the south project limits.
Traffic impacts: Motorists can expect lane closures with a reduced speed limit of 55 mph and a maximum width of 12 feet.
Location: Marquette County line to Cottonville Avenue north of Coloma
Schedule: April 18 to Aug. 5
Project ID: 1166-08-79
Project description: Crews will remove a portion of the existing asphalt pavement and place new asphalt pavement. Pavement replacement will occur at the Czech Avenue and County CH bridge approaches. Additional work will include updating the guardrail, placing shoulder gravel, adding shoulder rumble strips and placing new pavement marking.
Anticipated work scheduled: Crews will be placing the gravel shoulder and installing new guardrail and pavement markings.
Traffic impacts: Motorists can expect single-lane closures with a reduced speed limit of 55 mph.
Highway: WIS 173 (New)
Location: Juneau County line to WIS 80
Schedule: July 7 to August 12
Project ID: 7020-00-71
Project description: Crews will remove a portion of the existing pavement, recycle the pavement and then pave new asphalt pavement. Crews also will replace a culvert and upgrade substandard guardrail.
Anticipated work scheduled: Crews will be staking out the culvert and installing traffic control and erosion control.
Traffic impacts: No traffic impacts are expected.
For more information regarding traffic impacts, transportation news and improvement project updates in Wisconsin’s North Central region:
· Follow us on Twitter: @WisDOTNorthCent
· View traffic cameras, lane closures and more at
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