The spooky season is upon us. While most of the country celebrates Halloween we certainly celebrate it differently depending on where we live.
In 2022 according to a poll 71% of Americans plan on decorating. Curiously more people will decorate the inside of their home (69%) than their front door (63%) or their yard (56%).
Now what is New Jersey’s most popular decoration at Halloween? I want to say it’s so obvious, but while many other states share it most actually do not. It’s something simple. It’s something that can extend beyond Halloween.
If you still don’t get it, it’s a carved pumpkin. The simple pumpkin, or jack o’lantern, is the most common Halloween decoration not only in New Jersey but also in Alabama, Connecticut, Hawaii, Michigan, Minnesota, North Carolina, Oklahoma and Virginia.
In Pennsylvania, it’s a witch. In New York, it’s a ghost. In Delaware, it’s a second Joe Biden term. (OK, enough with Delaware jokes. It’s actually a spider.)
So are we lazy in New Jersey? Just throw a pumpkin on the steps and call it a day?
What about the most popular Halloween candy in New Jersey? If all those Sweets Sixteen candy polls the D&D show used to do were scientific it would be the Reese’s Peanut Butter Cup. But nooooo.
According to New Jersey’s favorite Halloween candy is the Hershey bar. Shouldn’t that belong to Pennsylvania where Hershey, Pa. is? Well, yeah, their’s is also the Hershey bar. New York? Rolo.
Rolo?!?! Who the heck actually likes Rolos?
I’m rotflmao at Rolo.
OK, maybe costumes will make more sense. What’s New Jersey’s most popular Halloween costume?
Here’s where it gets murky. Unlike decorations and candy which were from our current year I couldn’t find a reliable source for 2022. But according to this source last year’s most common Halloween costume in the Garden State was the evil clown Pennywise. Yet a different source says it’s a witch. Still another says Superman is New Jersey’s most popular costume.
So we aren’t exactly confident on which costume is New Jersey’s most popular. We only know which is the scariest. That’s a New Jersey state worker saying, “I’m from the government and I’m here to help.”
Opinions expressed in the post above are those of New Jersey 101.5 talk show host Jeff Deminski only.
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