Most City of Portland offices will be closed Monday, September 5, to observe Labor Day.
Join us this September for an in-person workshop with three of the 2040 Portland Freight Plan (2040Freight) advisory committees. Most of this two hour workshop will be dedicated to activities and discussion.
Participants will have the opportunity to provide feedback on the draft project lists, proposed street classification changes, and “Transportation strategy for goods movement.” You’ll also have the opportunity to help the 2040Freight project staff prioritize potential action items for the near, medium, and long term. With all the committees in the same room, participants will be able to share ideas and feedback with each other and staff.
Members of the public are welcome to participate. Please RSVP here if you would like to attend. It will be hosted in Room 108 on the first floor of the Portland Building (1120 SW Fifth Avenue).
The feedback will help inform the development of the public review draft of the 2040Freight plan. Once developed, staff will conduct additional outreach with the broader public to help further refine the plan before it eventually goes to City Council in the months ahead.
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