RALEIGH, N.C. (AP) — After a decade of vigorous opposition, most North Carolina Republicans have now embraced the idea of expanding the state’s Medicaid program to cover hundreds of thousands of additional low-income adults. Legislative approval finally appears within reach.
During t
In Oral Communications at the August 16 council meeting, Old Goats and Kids Who Care Founder Nancy Ratcliffe thanked Blue Bridge Hospitality Principal and local resident David Spatafore for his generous support in helping them provide meals and treats to thank healthcare providers, first respo
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On Tuesday, President Joe Biden signed into law the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA), which among its Democratic-favored grab-bag of provisions included $80 billion in additional funding over the next 10 years for the Internal Revenue Service (IRS), a 53 percent incre
Work is expected to begin in late September, early October on the the largest new wharf build in the state in 27 years.
The project took another step forward on Friday with the awarding of a contract to a joint venture.
Established by Hazell Bros Group and Brady Marine & Civi
An expansion joint on the eastbound bridge of I-44 Eureka had to be repaired in May, and more work will be done on the bridge this summer.
An expansion joint on the eastbound bridge of I-44 Eureka had to be repaired in May, and more work will be done on the bridge this summer.
An e
No Bull, no Fluff, No Smudges
Janet McDonald is one of three the Republican candidates for Flagler County Commission, District 2, facing incumbent Greg Hansen and Denise Calderwood in the Aug. 23 primary.
Two seats are up on the commission in this election cycle: District 2 and Dis
Charles A. Sickler, Erie County's director of engineering, checks out the pavement test strip option on Maple Road in Amherst that has become the county's preferred repaving option after a year-long experiment. (John Hickey/Buffalo News)
Charles Sickler, director of engineering for Erie
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Ishita Ayan Dutt | Kolkata
When welders utilize the correct respirators work can be done safely and efficiently.
Welding, joining together metal parts by heating the surfaces to the point of melting, inherently comes with some occupational hazards. They vary by application; however, sparks, spatter, particulate fu
"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has."
Cureus is on a mission to change the long-standing paradigm of medical publishing, where submitting research can be costly, complex and time-consuming.