SALMON, Idaho (KMVT/KSVT) — Fire officials announced Friday evening they will be implementing Stage 1 fire restrictions next week.
The restrictions will take place just after midnight on July 26, and will apply to federal, state, state endowment, private forestland, and rangelands within the designated area, according to a joint press release from the Idaho Department of Lands, BLM, U.S. Forest Service, and USDA.
The area of those restrictions includes portions of Custer County located north and east of the Sawtooth National Recreation Area excluding the Frank Church River of No Return Wilderness.
Under the restrictions, the following behaviors will be implemented:
Exceptions to the restrictions are as follows:
a. The Salmon River from the Corn Creek launch site to Vinegar Creek.
b. The Middle Fork of the Salmon River.
c. The Selway River from the Paradise boat launch to Race Creek.
d. The Snake River from Hells Canyon Dam to the City of Lewiston.
e. Salmon River from Vinegar Creek to its mouth at the Snake River below the mean high-water mark.
f. South Fork of the Snake River from Palisades Dam to Mike Walker Boat Access.
g. Henry’s Fork of the Snake River from St. Anthony to Mike Walker Boat Access.
Fire officials say under the restrictions, campfires are only allowed in recreation sites within metal/concrete fire pits.
They also remind people that fire danger across east-central Idaho is very high.
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