A front of “smoke” advanced this Friday morning over different towns in the province of Buenos Airessuch as San Pedro and Escobar, amid the fires caused in the last week on the Delta islands located in the Paraná River. Finally, after 6:30 p.m., the smell of smoke began to be perceived in the neighborhoods of Buenos Aires and in other points of the AMBA. According to the National Weather Service, the situation could continue during the weekend.
“We are suffocated. This is how we woke up with smoke today”, was one of the many comments published by residents of San Pedro this morning, through their accounts on the Twitter platform. The publication reflected an image taken by a security camera, in which the gray column that makes routine and life difficult for the population was exposed. In the afternoon, the visibility in the City of Buenos Aires was also affected by the irruption of smoke.
“Caution”, The National Meteorological Service (SMN) pointed out in this scenario through its official Twitter account. “During the next few hours, the northeast of the province of Buenos Aires —including the metropolitan area— and the south of Entre Ríos may have reduced visibility due to smoke”completed the post made after 18.
Then, the SMN advanced: “This situation can be repeated over the weekend if the fires continue”.
“From today and during the weekend We will continue to have a predominance of wind from the sector of the Paraná Delta where the fires are located. So, if the fire continues, it will also continue to arrive because the wind will continue to drag the smoke plume”, he analyzed in dialogue with Infobae the SMN meteorologist, Cindy Fernandez.
“There will be times when the wind rotates and takes the smoke in another direction, but it is expected that we will continue to have this event for the projection that exists until Sunday”, completed the professional.
In the midst of low visibility, the driver of a truck died, while two men suffered injuries of varying degrees after starring in a chain collision involving three large vehicles, at kilometer 167 of National Route 9, towards the Federal Capital.
In this framework, the SMN made some recommendations for citizens: “Avoid outdoor activities, protect the respiratory tract and eyes, drive slowly, keep your distance and use low beams; in addition to being informed by authorities”.
San Pedro is the site where a base of operations was set up and the Emergency Command Truck (COE) is in operation, from where the Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development seeks to combat the fires in the Delta islands.
In the context of the fire unleashed in Paraná, several outbreaks occurred this Friday in the towns of Buenos Aires Zarate (Atucha); Baradero (Gaucho, old Gaucho, Baradero), Talabera Irigoyen Y New house, Saint Ferdinand Y Otamendi (Bell), while in Continent and Baptism the fire was still active, but it was “contained”.
National forestry brigade members and those from different jurisdictions, together with personnel from the provinces of Entre Ríos and Santa Fe, continued to work on the four big hot spots detected in islands of the entrerriana jurisdiction, located in front of the localities of St nicolas, Saint Peter, from the province of Buenos Aires; on islands facing the city of Santa Fe Alvear; and on islands off the entrerriana town of Victory.
The operation also deployed three hydrant planes; three helicopters with buckets and an observer plane (from the SNMF), two helicopters for transporting personnel belonging to the Ministry of Defense, a helicopter belonging to the province of Buenos Aires and a National Parks vessel.
According to the National Fire Management Service (SNMF), some four provinces were affected by the phenomenon. In Between riversthe foci that continued in the districts of El Cuadro, Ybicuy, Falso Alsina, Islas, Dormilon and Savio (in Gualeguay) and Laguna chata, Barrancoso and Negro (in Victoria).
The Armed forces, in turn, also joined the work in the context of the emergency due to the fires in the Delta. At the direction of the Defense Minister, Jorge Taiana and the head of the Joint Chiefs of Staff of the Armed Forces, Lieutenant General Martin Paleothe Operational Command of the Forces activated the Joint Command of the Emergency Zone of Santa Fe, Entre Ríos and north of Buenos Aires, in charge of the commander of the Armored Brigade II of the Argentine Army, Colonel Héctor Tornero.
Reconnaissance flights will be carried out tomorrow to continue establishing other tasks and interagency coordination that will allow for increased fire mitigation efforts, the Armed Forces said.
The truth is that, of all the combats, in San Nicolás and San Pedro the situation “it is more complicated, we have been working for a long time and the fire does not stop”, he indicated to Telam the Secretary of the Environment of Entre Ríos, Daniela García.
The sources of fire in the rest of the country
According to official data, the towns of Campo de Vallejos in Belgrano, province of saint Louisand Loma Larga, Amabato, in Catamarcaalso recorded active fire sources.
The SNMF survey warned that the outbreaks in the localities are extinguished Jujuy from San Pedro, Santa Bárbara, El Cármen, Ledesma, Tilcara, Palpalá and Doctor Manuel Belgrano.
Other fires that were extinguished are those in San Rafael (Mendoza), and in Córdoba in Colón (El Chorrito) and Santa María (Parque San Juan, former La Marianita).
In Cordovathe outbreaks that affected the towns of Pocho (Mojigasta), Río Segundo (Colazo), Colón (El Chorrito) and Tulumba (Lomita Pelada) are under control and those affecting San Javier (Los Mates) Colón (Los paragliders).
The fires in the Chaco towns of 12 de octubre (Pampas Schimd) and the Catamarca town of Andalgalá (Cuesta la Chilca) are under control.
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